City Beyond Time by John C. Wright
City Beyond Time by John C. Wright

City Beyond Time by John C. Wright

What follows is the list of Hugo recommendations known as Rabid Puppies. But they are similar because we value excellence in actual science fiction and fantasy, rather than excellence in intersectional equalitarianism, racial and gender inclusion, literary pyrotechnics, or professional rabbitology. My recommendations for the Hugo Awards last year were not precisely the same as Larry Correia’s in Sad Puppies 2, nor are they identical to Brad Torgersen’s recommendations in Sad Puppies 3. We span a fairly wide variety of political perspectives and we have very different opinions concerning the optimal way to deal with the corruption and ideological rot that is rife within the world of modern science fiction and fantasy. We of the science fiction Right do not march in lockstep or agree on everything.

City Beyond Time by John C. Wright