Noahs ark peter spier
Noahs ark peter spier

noahs ark peter spier

The illustrations (their overall quality and descriptiveness) of Peter Spier's Noah's Ark are indeed simply and utterly outstanding. Spread the stories of the bible because the children of the world NEED to hear them! We are the light of the world and we gotta, we gotta let our light shine! This picture book was an automatic five star read! The color was beautiful and bright and the drawing really blew my mind! Remember Gods promise that he made to Noah and whenever you see a rainbow then tell yourself why it was placed in the sky and alsol remember… While typeing this review i have my bible opened and am loking back and forth to make sure i am giveing you guys the right facts haha…

noahs ark peter spier

Even though this book did not have many words except for a poem and a few lines of five or six words i still found it enjoyable.

noahs ark peter spier noahs ark peter spier

Gods promise in the story was that he would never destroy all life again and that rainbow you see in the sky after every storm is Gods sign that his promise was not forgotten. Noahs Ark by Peter Spier was ful of lovely illustrations teling the bible story that was told in Genesis chapters 6-9… I find the story truly incredible and such a miracle… God decided to destroy sinful men and so he made the flood it rained for forty days and forty nights and all creation was ruined except for Noah and his family also all liveing nature was boarded onto him great big ark… Has anyone ever seen the movie "Evan Almight?" thats a great movie with the same Noah and the ark concept. Without ministers, leaders, christians, friends, and authors like Peter Spier then how would the lovely bible stories just like Noah and the ark be spread? How would children learn about the promises from God to his people? Anyone who is reading this then i want to let you know that you are the voices of Jesus… While on the earth its your job to spread love and peace… Its your job to share the bible and the stories that it contains and frankly i love doing that because seeing the expression on a childs face whenever they learn something new is PRICELESS! I look up to my sis/ friend Julie Grippo! I admire my pastor James Bradford and Crystal Martain!

Noahs ark peter spier